Woman Red Rock Mountain

My personal facebook page draws in wonderful posts from various groups and friends. Today, a Native American healing group invited all to prayers, beginning with the words “Red Rocks.” A comment by one respondent reminded me of my own experiences in Sedona, Arizona. As you come up the highway from Phoenix (a two-hour ride), there is a large, winding curve… and there they are, ah! Breath leaves you as you try to comprehend the beauty stretching around and beyond the curve, watching as each movement of sunlight transforms the sedimentary striations of color beyond dreaming – the glitter of goldstone, reds, pinks, oranges… all so very luminous.  

The poem below came to me after my travels, at a time when I must have dreamt or had a vision of the red rock mountains laying across the land, taking the shape of a woman laying on her side. I’ve never been back to Sedona, but she lives in my dreams, in my heart, forever… 


Woman Red Rock Mountain


I hear you call to me
beloved in me
my woman red rock mountain.

This poem cannot do justice
to the world I feel within you
to the woman that you are in me 
woman red rock mountain
my beloved mountain my love

I hear you call to me
I taste your tears in my tears
I dance the memories of our unity
when you wrapped your striations around me,
your red rock surrounding

my heart, my soul, my longing,
all my womanly ways…
and I’ve not been the same ever since.

You opened your spirit to me,
invited me into your shadows. I laid across
your mountain soul and listened
as you sang, wordless
caresses comforting me in the fires

of the ancient ones, black streaks flowing
from the smoke of your desires
down to the sedimentary lovers below. 

I hear you calling me. I hear you moan and wail
for me, your tears streaming down my face
your gentle body slowly moving against
the blackless sky, stars so bright they haunt you
while you dance your love to me.

 I hear you. I see you. 
I am coming home to you, to your shadows and desire,
to your wordless caress,
to woman red rock mountain,
beloved in me.  

I am coming home to you and it matters not
for wood and walls, for words
written for the masses.
I am coming home,
to spend my days reveling in your colors

that dance below the blackless sky 
as the sun turns from east to west, a changing mosiac
for my delight, every hour of the day.

To embrace one mote of
your desire is to breathe life itself; I have
no need of purpose. I am

liberated in your repose, enamored in your delight;
I am ecstatic in your unfoldment
as I unfold in you.

I am coming home to you and it matters not
for wood and walls, for words
written for the masses. Breathing as one with you,
my poetry echoes the wisdom of the ancients
that rises through your vibration.

I will write new songs in the soot of your fires.
I will shout from your soul, I will sing from your shadows;
praise for the gifts you gave to me
long ago in the bridal cave,
my veil of stars cascading from the sky. 

I am in the heart of a mountain,
woman red rock mountain,
and I hear you calling me,  
your red rock desire surrounding  
my heart, my soul, my longing, all my womanly ways

wrapped in your striations, your wordless caress,
my woman red rock mountain
beloved in me. 



Lady Diane Randall  
(C) 2013 







I wrote this a while ago (7 years…?); how is it so appropo today?

Sometimes, I need to write a new poem. On days when I’ve cried, contemplated, or just gotten so tired of myself: this is prime time for poetry-writing (albeit, tears on the keyboard; not quite the same effect as tear-streaked ink on parchment!). However, in recent years especially, I’ve remembered a similar, even better poem lies in a blue folder, waiting to be posted.


I started missing my dancing days
real bad watching
slick chicks slither and grind
perfect bodies against
bright oiled sun
lathered boys waiting by the phone
lips parted impatient hello
and how about those times
when they all came running? Couldn’t
stop them from striding
up to my back wrap strong arms
around my skin
my long hair pressed tightly to chest
saying oh yes, I’ll be there
see you then for sure
and maybe just maybe
one would be real
stay longer than a day
a week a year
or nine
and I started to cry
that it all used to be
so easy, so fine

I wanted to scream:
oh, no! oh, no! oh, no no no! I’m not the one

who can make it happen now
I’m on a slow ride
nowhere to go no friend to disgrace
when the man she wanted
ran to my hallowed place

how I started to dream
of one who could love me
in times like these not so easy
not so fine falling up getting down

in times like these can’t quite seem
to slither or grind
except in the corners of my mind
with a slow come-hither
smile to my Beloved

(c) 2013 Lady Diane Randall

Reposting Comment from Talking Violin’s Post: “Celebrities: ‘That ain’t gonna happen!”

I highly recommend Talking Violin. It’s hard to describe the appeal but his voice (all of his posts, I believe, are verbal with accompanying photos) is definitely in the realm of “storyteller.” Sometimes, I’m not sure if he’s joking or reporting seriously. In either case, I enjoy his blog thoroughly!

The following is reposted from my comment to Talking Violin about his audio post concerning a Brazilian law that does not allow “unauthorized biographies” of celebrities. (Disclaimer: Includes additional material since I felt it inappropriate to crowd his whole “Comments” section with my super-sized verbosity.)

“I’ve listened to several of your posts this morning. You make everything sound intriguing… This story is definitely unusual to U.S. mores (or lack thereof) but there are other countries I know of where “tell-all” books are not allowed, whether legally or culturally. When you think about it, we are all telling our own little stories about ourselves, leaving some items out either for later disclosure or keeping them hidden forever. We tell ourselves the stories, too, then one day, “poof!” just like celebrities, it comes out.

“For me, the funny part (cosmic joke!) is that my writing is very revealing; I can’t hold back. Poetry may give me an edge by use of metaphor or allegory, but… no one is fooled. However, since I love writing so much, and I love sharing my writing (including a manuscript about to be dusted off and revised), I just “pretend” to myself that it’s all normal, that no one will really say anything anyway. Something to think about when sharing with family, friends, strangers… still, the writing dictates to me, and I cannot turn away from the page. It’s a bit disconcerting when contemplating a new relationship (as I am currently doing): How to introduce my strangeness, my foibles, mood swings, epiphanies? Guess I’ll just tell him (if we get that far) to read my blog!

“Of course, so far, celebrity has not been an issue for me! But I do feel a sense of empathy. Just because a person has a moment – a day – a year – of irrationality, that doesn’t mean he/she IS that story, either. We are not our stories. We are divine beings having interesting, amazing, intriguing experiences with bodies, emotions, pain, love, opinions – all of it. And our “personalities,” just like our bodies, our life circumstances, our loves – change, evolving constantly. People cling to identities and project the future based on that identity, as if they are exempt from change, age, or dis-ease (or recovery from dis-ease); from unhealthy lifestyle to athlete, or the reverse!

“Here is one very small example of unexpected change: My eye color has changed from blue to hazel-green. I could purchase colored lenses. But I won’t! Would you?”

Well… would you?

Happy Halloween! Happy Samhain!

I have always loved this ancient holy-day, this day of remembering our connection with all four elements of earth, our heartbeat that resonates with the heartbeat of the earth. It is also a sacred day of opening our spirit to connect with the 5th dimension of ethereal beings, ancestors, guardians, guides, and celestial entities. Finally, it is a time of going within, the new year – the summer days are behind us, the long dark winter is coming. Time to tend the homefires of the heart.

Also – it’s a time of fun! It’s a time to express alternate parts of ourselves, to tell the ancient stories, to share with friends and family (or soul families). Thus, I’ve changed my picture to myself as “Lady Diane” – well, of course!

In honor of what I consider to be a sacred and special day, herewith a poem inspired by a dream a friend of mine had. Interestingly, I wrote in a sort of Edgar Allen Poe style, and the subject fits quite nicely with Poe’s works as well. And Poe was dark, but his spirit flew like a comet – lighting up the sky with his words for eternity!


The night wind banged the shutters,
woke him cold from his tender sleep
and, uneasy from the chill, he stumbled
unaware down the shadowed hall.

Just before he touched the lamp,
he heard a tiny scraping sound
and – perhaps – the flutter of wings.
The darker reality, yet to be revealed

and then, oh saving light! that flowed
throughout the familiar room.
He rubbed his eyes and the sight
that overwhelmed was that of sacred ravens,

hundreds of them! in glass and metal boxes,
watching as he moved about
and of an unknown force began
to lift the bars, and let the caged birds out.

Confusion filled his dreaming; speechless,
he fell while the winged creatures
swarmed and deafening silence pounded
in his ears, his heart, his blood.

Hours later, it was daylight – he rose
taller, stronger, from the floor.
His eyes took to the window and carried
him through a vision from which he returned

many lifetimes later:

no more mere ordinary man,
but Sorcerer, Keeper of Ravens.

(c) 2005-2013 Lady Diane Randall

Viva La Muerte – The Poet Returns!

This poem is inspired by the movie, “The Matador’s Mistress.”

Viva La Muerte

Will you love me today
Forever? Will you love me
More than life?
I see the shadows in your eyes when we make love
I feel the darkness of death so close to your breath
And I wonder, who will I be when
You are you no more? 
Will I be your mistress 
When you are more than wine and bread
More than the blood-stained sword of death?

When you look up from our bed
What do you see? It is not a ceiling
Or a sky; not a heaven bound with angels
It is the darkness, La Grande Muerte,
Filled with the craving of the gods 
For you
Their stars live for you my beloved
They wait for you, for the tears in your eyes
To take you to the place where all is night
Where all is peace
And your dream of release arrives…

When I eat of your bread
And drink of your wine – Will you 
Love me more than that? 



(c) Lady Diane Randall 2011-2013

Energy Gifts are of Earth Forever

Dearest Brenda,

Thank you for a beautiful post. Since my experience of ms “shifted” into a major placement in my life, my whole attitude as a lightworker/spiritual healer has had to change. This year, I feel the shift gaining momentum, and my unconscious patterns are rapidly coming to awareness for healing. I have the help of a wonderful therapist, and reading posts like yours reminds me I am one with All, and I am loved. One thing is clear: the ms has brought me to where I truly need to be: more aware of the need for healing my inner self.

So, that is the Lion’s Gate for me – like the Strength card in tarot, I am walking with the Lion who knows not of denial, fear, or shadows. I feel humbled by what I’ve been learning about myself, but, since ms itself is a humbling event, that is why I am Here, Now. I cannot live the way I used to live – a life of self-sabotage, interspersed with moments of great clarity and awareness of Love – all the while hiding the unexpressed parts of me from even myself.

With my spiritual therapist’s help, I continue to recognize – and thereby release – denial and control. I read, meditate, and write – and sometimes even dance a little! – but I do so at my own pace: one moment, one breath at a time. Thank you and blessed be!

With my spiritual therapist’s help, I continue to recognize – and thereby release – denial and control. I read, meditate, and write – and sometimes even dance a little! – but I do so at my own pace: one moment, one breath at a time.

Thank you and blessed be!

(C) 2013 Lady Diane Randall

Welcome to Brenda's Blog

Life Tapestry Creations - Blog Banner LTCLife Tapestry Creations - Brenda Black Photo

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for http://www.LifeTapestryCreations.com

Summary of Brenda’s July 27, 2013 free, 15-minute, channeled “Creation Energies” show at http://www.BlogTalkRadio.com/brenda-hoffman: Thenext few days will be a self-directed, emotional global shift. Even though many will not understand their internal need to think and act in love and joy, they will experience a shift to love and joy that will be similar to their need to eat and sleep. Adults aren’t told when to eat and sleep – they just know.

The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, weekly, channeled blog for  http://www.LifeTapestryCreations.com: “Letting Go of Your Final 3D Safety Net”

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” BlogTalkRadio.com show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled materials.

Dear Ones,

Thousands of words have been written and spoken about the miracle of the next few days’ “Lion’s Gate” energy burst. Many relay that you will manifest all you wish. That…

View original post 950 more words

The Lotus Blossom

“Although I may seem fickle, my heart is always faithful; as slowly through the mud, the lotus grows.” Basho

Preceding the following poem, this quote has never left my memory since I first saw it ten years ago. Much later, I used my home desktop publisher to frame it. It matches perfectly with a gorgeous black ink rendering of a mermaid with a fully-open lotus blossom atop her head, which lingers just barely above the silent depths of a pond.

These words from the infamous Japanese poet Matsuo Basho (17th c.) reflect infinite layers of compassion for the Self and the flawed yet determined path of a human experiencing his spirituality. As soon as I read them, I felt redemption for my own personal journey through many relationships, and saw them for what they were: physical representations of seeking the Divine.

That is what we are always doing, in everything we do, think, or say; however flawed, we are all attempting to know our True Selves through the various dances of human beingness. Of course, once we realize this, many of us begin to observe our lives, our thoughts and behaviors, more consciously, with the intention of releasing our self-created dramas and breathing in the freedom of living from the heart: the heart of “The Lotus Blossom.”

“Although I may seem fickle, my heart is always faithful;
as slowly through the mud, the lotus grows.” Basho


 The Lotus Blossom


In another dream…

I told off the owner, the tailored one;
how chagrined she seemed
how delicate…
she trotted on heels to hide from the crowd.
I yelled to the shadows, look, look what she’s done
they are so young
too young for lace and wings and winsome eyes
too damn young

I kept shouting so sure so clear
Not like other dreams
No weak attempts to stand strong and face
the stranger I’d become
Someone had to say it, shout it
even through the algae covered mud,
mud that hides but then reveals…
oh, so slowly, it reveals
the lotus leaf and bud

After that, the lotus blossom
never touches mud again;
she floats on dreams,
on a mirror that sheens,
on Serenity’s surface
that ripples only when broken
by illusion’s thoughts

(C) 2013 Lady Diane Randall

Ancestral Prayers

I’ve been sitting with this “child,” this poem, for several days now. I’ll tell you why: because I am going through deep regeneration and all its phases, both with a professional (yet spiritual) guide and on my own. I am cleaning house, and it’s turned out to be more of a neighborhood or a city or a whole universe within. I’ve been “working” on inner shadows for many, many years. But recently, several factors seem to be in league with my soul to hasten the release of all that no longer serves me, and the corresponding freedom, awareness, and new ways of BEing that this release provides. One, the Age of Aquarius and its correlating technological advances that connect us all on a global level with an attitude of oneness and equality; two, recent developments  and support of amazing astrological events happening at “warp” speed; and three (for now), epigenetics, which is the synthesis of science and spirituality. Epigenetics is a powerful word for that which has been known by deeply spiritual beings for millennia, but is now being proved by scientists and its healing work being developed for all of humanity.

My poetry reflects many aspects of my life, my thoughts, and my inner being. Ancestral Prayers is one that moves me; it is my form of religion, I suppose, to write poems such as these. As with all religions (including the label of “spirituality,” that is so diverse), answers are not always forthcoming, or even expected. Just to pray, just to be a poet and say what is in my heart or my soul, IS the expected result, if any exists.

Of course, I am talking about healing and yes, all of our prayers, tears, praise, songs, meditations, and creative soulwork: these are all healing vibrations stronger than any one moment of doubt or skepticism; stronger than any fear-based thought or even millions of them.

It is my hope or rather, my belief that I am being guided to share these words, for that’s what a poet does. It’s not always pretty, but I follow my intuition that says it will help others on their healing journeys as well. May you be blessed by the following:


Ancestral Prayers


I had to smudge today –
candles and sage and smoke flowing
over me inside my dreaming vision
of ancestors’ mysteries
of children lost and found
of children lost and never found

the path of ancient memories
clears within the smoke and light; I feel
the dust and scattered bones
beneath my knees bent
in grief and despair
ravens filling the air

with cries beware! beware!
of not understanding
what the gods themselves
do not understand

my thoughts pour
like rain that won’t stop
drowning out the messengers
turning dust into mud
losing prayers
like souls in the flood

I need to do something
I need to save someone
save someone
save someone

I need to save the children
like raven
who get abused and confused
whose home is a raft of bones
set adrift
from an indiscriminate shore

the parent I used to be is crying
the parent I always wanted to be
is crying
and why no one else is crying
frightens the child in me
even more…

blessed be dear raven
and all the others not yet found
who have no idea
that there is anything or anyone
beyond their world of having been

Oh, God, forgive me
for thinking
that I need to be forgiven.


(C) 2013 Lady Diane Randall

Poem Inspired by “Amazing, Tiger, Power” (Photograph from Great Gatsby Luxury)

As you can tell, I love the photograph reblogged and seen on my previous post. Now, for the poem: It was inspired by a dream a dancer had about a tiger. I love to do dream analysis because… talk about metaphors! Our minds dream in metaphors and parables. No wonder most people, even psychologists, don’t understand our dreams. I will discuss dream analysis in another post someday, as I even have a book in progress about the topic. At any rate, there are things that can be done after having an exciting or incomprehensible dream; Carl Jung called it “active imagination.” In other words, EXPRESS the dream through whatever creative means you like. This works for those who feel they have no creativity (although of course, we all do). It will help the dream to support the dreamer, because that is the sole purpose of dreaming: to shine a light on the shadows, the hidden fears, loneliness, etc. The things we will not say to ourselves. Sometimes, the dream offers solutions or shines a light on our inner power and love. With love, I introduce:

Dance of the Tiger

I watch you through the glass door pacing
and my heart begins to beat


I pant like crazy
feel your heat fill the room

your massive strength pushes at the latch
and I try with all my might
to stop you – fear grips me

as I feel the sweat
of your face close to mine, the sound
of you
creeping into my blood
through my ears

In a flash, you’re inside
showing me your teeth
your eyes
your power

As I move, you move – gliding
in a circle, drawing me in


and I’m so afraid – I can’t stop myself
from moving
can’t stop
can’t run
can’t scream

I feel my body shifting
in complete synchronicity: blood,
bone, and muscle
with fierce exhilaration

my jaws open
my eyes burn

It comes – a low and muted growl
wells within me like a burgeoning storm
until it becomes a howl so loud

it breaks the glass! and I Am
I Am the Powerful One

You, Tiger – I, Tiger
dancing, great paws stomping
our thunderous roars
the pounding beat of our hearts

Lady Diane Randall

Amazing, Tiger, Power

My (abridged) comment to Great Gatsby Luxury who posted the above picture:

What raw, perfect animal power… to take that in, to feel it – not as a sense of violence, but as an instinctual sense of survival that probably evolved into or incites a sense of righteousness in the human realm. But, as in the animal world, who is right? Who is wrong? As human “beings,” we can inhale that power, feel it coursing through our “inner body” (Eckhart Tolle), and use it to create words, photographs, paint, dance; to express all that rages within until we integrate our experience with the whole of creation. As always, synchronicity abounds; through these metaphors, and especially the poem, one may deduce that I felt dis-empowered today (partly through actions of others, partly through my illusory need of reaction/response). Tiger medicine needs no petty quips to teach what it knows. It needs no overt display of power; it is the harmonizing of fearlessness and truth, that we need only to walk with our heads held high and live the Truth of our being, which is Love. And to those who cannot or will not see it, they have their paths to walk, albeit blind, angry, and deep down inside, afraid of everything. When the tiger roars, it usually wakes them (us!) up! 

PostScript: I seem to be having quite a time posting my new comment and poem onto this page, therefore, I shall make a new post which corresponds to this photograph posted by Great Gatsby Luxury (of WordPress fame!).  Thank you.

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Amazing, Tiger, Power

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